Why Is The Front of My Knee Hurting?
Why is the front of my knee hurting?
That is a question that unfortunately many people start asking themselves after starting their New Years training program at the gym. Maybe you just started running on the treadmill or began some type of a spinning or aerobic class that requires repetitive squats and lunges. These specific work out activities can have an adverse affects on the anterior aspect the knee if your lower body is not ready for the increase of workout stress.
Here are a few questions to ask your yourself if you think there might be something wrong with your knee and would benefit from Physical Therapy.
Does your knee hurt when you go up and down steps?
Does your knee hurt when you squat and lunge?
Does your knee hurt when you are sitting for an extended period of time and you knee bent more than 90 degrees.
Does you knee hurt when you kneel down and put direct pressure on the knee cap?
If you answered yes to all or most of these questions it’s a good indication that you are suffering from patella-femoral syndrome, which is a knee cap injury caused by improper tracking of your patella (knee cap) that can be related to a number of different issues. Take a look at a picture of normal knee cap versus a knee cap that presents with improper tracking and inflammation.
1. One factor that could be causing improper tracking of the patella is flat feet.
Simple fix is get an over the counter insert in your work out sneakers that promotes proper arch in the foot
2. Another issue related to improper tracking of your patella is weakness in your quads and hips.
Starting a physical therapy treatment program to focus on the specific muscle groups in your quads and hips to promote proper tracking of the patella and keeping your hips out of excessive internal rotation.
Don’t wait for this injury to ruin your training program. Start to rest and stay away from the activities that increase your knee pain. See a Physical Therapist to get you started with specific exercises to strengthen the muscles that will influence proper tracking of your patella.
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