Can Back Pain Be Linked to Your Mattress?


Can Back Pain Be Linked to Your Mattress?

Considering a third of a person's life is spent sleeping, it is integral that you choose the right mattress! 

Your mattress might be the cause of your back and neck pain. Therefore it is important that you sleep on a suitable mattress. In addition, try to replace it every couple of years. Here are a few indicators that your mattress is causing the back pain or neck pain you are experiencing

  1. If your back pain or neck pain begins when you wake up in the morning

  2. If you find you are excessively tossing and turning in the middle of the night

  3. If you have trouble falling asleep and getting comfortable

So then what constitutes a good mattress?

Ideally, mattresses should NOT:

  1. Be too firm, as firmness can lead to pressure point imbalances  

  2. Be too soft, as softness can lead to poor posture 

Aside from changing your mattress, here are some alternatives to consider to your daily lifestyle to help your back pain and neck pain:

  1. Try talking to your physical therapist about suitable sleeping positions or exercises you can begin to alleviate pain

  2. Experts endorse sleeping on your side with a pillow between the legs as a great position that provides support

  3. Invest in new pillows that target back and neck pain

  4. Add stretches into your daily routine upon waking up and going to bed to both relieve pain and prevent it

At Integrative Physical Therapy of NYC, we challenge you to follow these tips and see how much better you feel. Mattresses, pillows, and sleeping positions do make a world of difference for people with back and neck pain. If you are in need of a physical therapist in NYC, give us a call to schedule an appointment at (212) 953-6040.


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