The Best Physical Therapist in New York City

Finding The Best Physical Therapist in New York City

So you find yourself in a place where an injury has occurred and you now need Physical Therapy. The first thing you may say to yourself is where and what Physical therapist should I go to. The good news is there are many Physical therapists in New York City. The bad news, however, is there are many Physical therapists in New York City. The large amount of options available to Manhattanites is both an advantage and disadvantage. The main purpose of this blog is to help you understand the most effective ways to search for and decide on which physical therapist to choose. I may be slightly biased as I would encourage all prospective patients to choose me and my office, “Integrative Physical Therapy of NYC”. Or at the very least consider my office for physical therapy. However, I am a realist and do understand that my location and my practice may not be the best fit for everyone. So let’s get started with the process of finding the right physical therapist for you.  

Through Referrals From Doctors

A very common way to be referred to a physical therapist is by a general MD, ortho or even pain management doctor that you have seen. This can be a very reliable avenue as the doctor should always trust who he or she is referring to. The medical doctor usually will have some type of a professional relationship with the physical therapist. In my own practice at Integrative physical therapy of NYC, we have a strong referral base from medical doctors. We built that relationship because of the excellent care we provide. It is focused on patient centered care. The referring physician should know who is a solid physical therapist and how they practice. The feedback comes from their patients and the results.   

Practices to Avoid

I have heard from some medical doctors that they are specifically aware of physical therapy practices that run as mills. That is a nice way of saying that patients are not focused on as individuals but are treated more as a warm body to fill tables. Those practices tend to lose sight of the patient along the plan of care. These practice models often overwhelm the physical therapist and are placing either assistants or aides to direct exercises and answer questions. These practices are often run by bigger corporations focused on the bottom line. In addition, many hospital based physical therapy offices are known for high volume and sub par care. Unfortunately, in this health care environment, it is extremely challenging to operate an intimate physical therapy clinic in Manhattan. The main issue is huge overhead but finding that balance of keeping care top notch and making a profit can be done.There is one issue that arises when completely relying on your doctor. I would say be extremely careful if the doctor is telling you should really go to the physical therapist that work in his or her office.  You may be asking now why would he say that. I am saying that because the therapist that works in the medical doctor’s office is working for the doctor. That therapist may not be a good therapist or you may not even need physical therapy. There are many ways the medical doctor will benefit from that scenario, mostly financially.  

Recommendation From Friends and Family

Another common way for a patient to find a physical therapist is through a recommendation of a friend, family member or co-worker. I find that in my own practice a large part of my business comes from this type of referral source. That, in my opinion, is the best way to get new patients in the door because it tells me other patients were happy with me and my staff. They are so satisfied with the results that in fact, they are now marketing for me. Why does this occur for my business? That is simple; we get patients better and treat every patient with full individualized attention. In addition, we provide a warm and friendly environment. Patients are coming to us in pain and being understanding and caring goes a long way. I e-mail them to see how they feel after the 1st visit. I answer their questions when they are in the office and even by e-mail whenever they contact me. Aside from all that focused attention the patient is referred by a trusted individual who has had a good experience with me and my physical therapy practice.    

Looking Through Your Insurance Portal

Another way to find the best physical therapist for you is by looking up on your insurance web portal. That will accomplish two main things. The first is finding a physical therapist in-network and the other is finding the physical therapist closest to you. After this initial step of self-directed research, there are a few more things you should do. After finding a physical therapist go to their website in order to contact them either by e-mail or phone. Make contact and see how long it takes for them to respond. Ask questions about the office, type of care and if they can handle your case. You should be shopping for a physical therapist because you want the best results. Finally look at what people are saying. This day in age patients’ have the power to tell you how their experience was.  As a physical therapist with my own practice, I have relied on my online reviews as a huge driver of business. This is what gets patients in the door, and then it is up to me and my staff to live up to the standard we have set. The name of the game is getting patients better, listening to patients, and maintaining a warm and friendly environment. Making the patients feel comfortable and understand that they are cared about is a major goal for Integrative Physical Therapy of NYC. It should be that way for all physical therapy offices.  In closing, I hope this blog was helpful for you to understand some the different ways of finding the right physical therapist. If you have any questions please feel to contact me by visiting my practice website at


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